NCCAT Remote Learning Central

We are regularly evolving our cross-training content to provide opportunities for remote learning. We aim to ensure that the biomedical research community continues to develop the skills needed for independent cryoEM research without needing to travel to NYC for every aspect.

We hope you can make use of these resources and check back with us again as we will continue to roll out additional opportunities.

Training at a distance: learn with us remotely

Talk with us


Small group training discussions

Details here


Live tutorials

Learn with a staff member

Virtual classroom

Recordings and content from past workshops

SPA course

Mar 2-6 2020 course

Our latest EM course

See the short course agenda

EM classes

Courses & Workshops

Additional resources for self paced learning

Reading list

Foundational reading

Literature resources

EM reading list


Our channel

Thoughts on Food

SEMC cooks

Recipes from our staff.

Science outreach

K-12 materials

Everyday up close

Additional links


Curriculum development

Curriculum partners

Connect with more resources