3 days.
1 day symposium.
2 day shortcourse.
1 day for additional instruction.
November 6-8*, 2023.
*an option follow-on day Nov. 9th.At no cost.
Room and board NOT included.
For more information email nccatuseroffice [at] nysbc.org
organized by:
Dan Decato (University of Montana)
Ed Eng (NYSBC) &
Christina Zimanyi (NYSBC)
MicroED Symposium & Short Course
November 6-9, 2023
NYSBC and NCCAT will offer a 1-day symposium on November 6 in a hybrid format. Our symposium program will encompass seven lectures that delve into diverse facets of MicroED. The 2-day hands-on shortcourse November 7-8 will have practicals in sample preparation, setting up a TEM for data collection, and processing. For those that want further instruction, a chance to collect their own data, we will host a bonus day November 9 for independent practice.

Short-course Agenda
Day one: symposium

Days two and three: workshop

The symposium will be hybrid, but the shortcourse will be an in-person on-site workshop.
A copy of the NYSBC’s COVID-19 policies may be found here.
Preparing for the data processing tutorial. If you are a Mac user, please follow these instructions to download software and the tutorial data.
The Grid Prep sheet we used for plunge freezing can be found here: NCCAT Grid Preparation Notes