Graphene Grids Workshop

Development of cryo-sample prep methods is critical to broaden the applicability of CryoEM in biomedical research. Join us for a 1-day workshop on graphene grids led by Yimo Han and Xiao Fan from Princeton University. For applications access please go to:    

Embedded Scientist

Wishing Eric Montemayor a safe trip back to UW-Madison where he will have an accelerated impact on Cryo-EM biomedical research after his TP1 embedded training at NCCAT. We help laboratories learn Cryo-EM one researcher at a time through our TP program. For more information please see here:

Krios #4 “Elizabeth”

NCCAT welcomes Krios#4 “Elizabeth” into the SEMC NYSBC family, which is the first of four dedicated national service center Krios instruments through the NIH Transformative High Resolution Microscopy program.