3 days.
1 day symposium.
2 days of practicals.
November 4-6*, 2024.
*optional follow-on day Nov. 7 for on-site data collection.At no cost.
Room and board NOT included.
- Applicants applying for travel awards the deadline is July 24, 2024.
- Standard application deadline is September 4, 2024. After that point applicants will join the waitlist.
For more information email nccatuseroffice [at] nysbc.org
organized by:
Dan Decato (University of Montana)
Ed Eng (NYSBC) &
Christina Zimanyi (NYSBC)
MicroED Short Course
November 4-6, 2024
NYSBC, SEMC and NCCAT will offer a 3-day short course November 4-6. Day one of the course will encompass lectures that delve into the multiple steps of the MicroED workflow. Days 2 & 3 will have practicals in sample preparation, setting up a TEM for data collection, and data processing. For those that want further instruction and a chance to collect their own data, we will host a bonus day for independent practice on November 7. We held our first MicroED short course November 6-9, 2023 (https://nccat.nysbc.org/activities/courses/nccat-microed-2023/) for 18 participants that resulted in an Acta C review to help disseminate knowledge to the greater scientific community. Our second iteration will build on lessons learned from the first workshop and further expand the community of electron diffraction practitioners.
sponsored by:
Short Course Agenda
(updated 11/04/24 - subject to change)
Day 1: Symposium

Day 2 Practicals

Day 3 Practicals

The symposium on day one will be hybrid, but the short course will be an in-person on-site workshop.
See the 2023 offering of this workshop here.
Travel awards may be available to offset some costs associated with attending the meeting. Award levels are not yet set, but if you would like to be considered for a travel award please provide your CV and brief justification when submitting your application.